Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Experimental WireShark version with user interface list and re

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From: "Max P" <addax.ws@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 01:21:27 -0700
Hi all,

Subj can be download from here. It's Win32 version.

Sorry I did not create installer version so just unpack archive to any directory and start wireshark.exe.
Local installed WinPCAP required. If you do not know how to install WinPCAP just run regular WireShark installation (0.99.6 recommended). It'll do everything needed.

If you want capture from remote Windows PC go to WinPCAP installation directory on remote PC and start rpcapd.exe. Copy from your Windows PC should also work.

To remote capture from Linux PC rpcapd should be started. Check for information how to build rpcapd for linux here.

I have compiled development version of rpcapd for FC4  (can work on other linux'es as well). Available here.

You need to use -n flag for now when rpcapd started. Read documentation (link I posted above) if have any questions on rpcapd.

After you start rpcapd, lunch my version of wireshark. Go Properties->Capture->Edit..... You'll find a way to add new remote interface.
Then go to Capture->Interfaces you'll see new interface in list. It should work as regular interface.

Any feedback very appreciated. It'll push me to clean the code and release to public.