Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] MAC address never changes?

From: "Luis EG Ontanon" <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 01:16:56 +0200
It's perfectly normal, that's the MAC address of the router.

Packets from every computer in another subnet will appear in your
subnet with the source mac address of the router and every packet
being sent to another subnet will have the destination mac address of
the router.

See http://www.eventhelix.com/RealtimeMantra/Networking/ip_routing.htm
for a more detailed explanation.

On 8/6/07, d a <otto81494@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I used wireshark for Gnuttella traffiic and filtered for a specified IP
> address. Every capture I make shows the MAC address of the host computer as
> the same (00:04:de:a3:08:01). I checked the MAC of my NIC and it is
> correctly shown each time. I dont understand why the traffic from different
> host computers always comes up as the same MAC. I am certain that these are
> all different computers. Its my understanding that these should be unique
> for each NIC. I attached a screen capture and would appreciate an
> explanation. Note that the destination MACs are identical. The other
> (source) is my MAC. The red and green filters are for "syn" and Fin"
> packets.
> Thanks
> Dave
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