I have version wireshark-0.99.7-SVN-22293 compiled and installed in "Linux myhost 2.6.9-22.ELsmp #1 SMP Mon Sep 19 18:32:14 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux". When I try to open a capture file I see the following and cannot see the encrypted contents. The packets have both auth and privacy enabled.
msgData: encryptedPDU (1)
encryptedPDU: 0B8B42273BEAF68B62709A135537338FA09223A373C8550D...
[Dissector bug, protocol SNMP: proto.c:2902: failed assertion "tvb != ((void *)0
) || *length == 0"]
I have the following entry in ~/.wireshark/snmp_users file.
800000A103122334455667, "admin_0016b50a9734", "SHA1", "TOOLS TEAM","AES","TOOLS
I can see the same error messsage for the following bug in bugzilla, "[Bug 1638] SMB Pipe dissector bug on certain packets". The resolution says it's fixed in SVN 22053. I'm currently using 22293.
Any clues about this problem?
-- Raja.
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