On 7/6/07, Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 09:34:30PM -0700, Tom Melendez wrote:
> (Possible repost - I didn't see it come through on my end and I just joined
> the list - I apologize if it really is a repost)
Yes, it is, but as nobody answered the first time it's OK to repost
after a while.
> I'd like to use wireshark (tshark actually) on a FreeBSD 4.11 box. I'm
> getting the following error while compiling with gcc-2.95:
> dtd_grammar.c: In function `yy_reduce':
> dtd_grammar.c:1100: virtual memory exhausted
Looks like you don't have enough RAM+SWAP on your system. So the good
news is, that you probably don't have to upgrade your gcc, the bad news
is, that you need to upgrade/reconfigure your system :-/
If the issue is the one in bug 1357 he would need a whole lot of RAM.
Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx>
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. Some say that should read Microsoft instead of technology.
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