Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Building for WinXP and Win2K

From: Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 17:08:19 +0100
Andy.Ling@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> McCabe John G wrote:
>>> FWIW - I saw this with a few apps I built recently on VS2k5 and 
>> copied across to a Win2k system that hadn't had VS 2k5 installed on 
>> it. When I installed VS2k5 the problem went away which suggests it's
>> something to do with the libraries that the app is being linked 
>> with. I didn't get to the bottom of the problem though, but maybe 
>> this will help as a pointer.
>>> John 
> OK, I seem to have fixed it for me. I had a close look at :-
> http://wiki.wireshark.org/BuildingAndInstalling#head-f3db6fe160adbafc0c99a0e4327604db891172ce
> and tried the bit that says :-
>  Problem tshark is not a valid win32 application. DO NOT run this 
> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\SetEnv.Cmd"
> . 
> And that seems to have fixed it.
> I was actually running :-
> "\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\SetEnv.Bat"
> But not running it seems to fix the problem.

It would seem that something in the W2K3 SDK build tools is responsible for
the breakage.  My guess is the manifest tool MT.

> To answer the question about build environment. I'm building using Visual 
> Studio V7.10
>> Dependency Walker from http://www.dependencywalker.com/ is a useful tool 
> for
>> determining what's up in these situations.
> I tried this and it shows up two problems. APPHELP.DLL cannot be found
> and MPR.DLL has a problem with WNetRestoreConnectionA

MPR.DLL seems to give that error on every system I've tried depends on.  You
can cross check by running depends on a system executable, i.e. iexplore.exe.
 You should find the same errors indicating that they aren't really an issue.

> This is exactly the some on the working build and the build that fails.
> So this isn't showing up what the problem is.

See above.

>> It seems though as there is a problem with the executable and W2K 
> doesn't like
>> something in the PE header.  Unfortunately no-one who has had the 
> problem has
>> come back with the solution.
> I can send a copy of the duff one to anyone that wants to play with it.
> It's not obvious what is wrong with it. Win2K just doesn't like it.

As it's not a dependency problem, it comes back to the actual exe again.  Can
you try running tshark.exe from a cmd prompt and if it exhibits the same
problem, zip it up and send it to me directly.


Graham Bloice