the lifetime for these two are on a per frame basis. they currently
remain valid until the end of the packet and do not become invalid
until dissection of the next packet starts.
this may or may not change for tvbuff so it would be unsafe to assume
you can pass tvbuff pointers from one instance of a dissector to
another instance even if it occurs within the scope of one single
On 4/30/07, Liu Chunfang-CCL083 <ChunfangLiu@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does anyone know the life cycle of "tvbuff_t *tvb" and " packet_info
I'm working on reassembling a special protocol's (name it here XXX) PDU.
Each Ethereal frame could include more than one XXX (header + PDU). The
first fragment's sequence number is not equal to 0 and may be out of
order. So I want to save the tvb and pinfo and use it later.