William Murphy wrote:
Luis Ontanon wrote:
does snoop work in promiscuous mode?
Try snoop on your V440, capturing traffic on the interface connected to
the switch's monitored port (i.e., the same port on which you tried
tcpdump and *shark), and see if you see any traffic.
If it doesn't work - as I suspect it won't - this is not an issue with
Wireshark/TShark, tcpdump, or even with the libpcap library that
Wireshark/TShark, tcpdump, and a number of other applications use for
capturing, as snoop doesn't use libpcap; it directly uses the same
underlying OS mechanism that libpcap does. It would, instead, be a
problem with that underlying OS mechanism.
i have tried with tethereal also and it has same effect.
Tethereal is just the name that TShark used to have, so trying Tethereal
is just reverting to an older version of TShark.