Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Filtering Options

From: "Ian Schorr" <ian.schorr@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 00:15:16 -0500
Have you tried looking at the "Statistics->Endpoints" feature?  This may be much more useful than what you were thinking.

On 2/8/07, Anthony Catbagan <catbagan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To whom it may concern,

I want to determine a user who is using most of the bandwidth from a
router's pcap file.  I'd like to know how I can configure Wireshark where I
have a list of IP addresesses on one column, and the number of times a
particular IP address is mentioned on the pcap file.

I figured that if I see an IP address "A" shows up more than other IP
addresses, this IP Address A is doing most of the downloading.

Anthony Catbagan
Gruen Associates
Network Administrative Assistant
323-937-4270 ext 291
323-937-6001 fax

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