Hi Jaap,
Thanks. I will try this mergecap and see what happens.
Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How about using mergecap to combine the capture files you want?
Then, depending on the capture filesize, wireshark/tshark may be able
to help you with the graphs.
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Becky Vict wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have around 200 sample captures (200 .pcap files) from a few network scenarios. At the moment, I'm analysing each capture separately, producing itsTCP stats and graphs for each particular capture using tcptrace. To produce say, 30 samples' throughput I had to put the TCP stats into Excel file and generate the throughput graph from it. I'm wondering whether there is a tool where I can combined the .pcap captures I got and extract the
particular stats I want and produce its graphs.
> Thanks very much for any recommendation.
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