Shane Milburn wrote:
I've got around 100 captures that I need to process and extract some
http & XML data from into a text file. I'm having problems getting the
command-line syntax to work. Can someone take a look at my syntax and
let me know what I'm doing wrong?
$ tethereal -r soaplogs_00001_2007011808084032.cap -R "( eq "") || (xml.tag == "<rejectlogin xsi:type=\"xsd:int\">") -T text -V > soap-xml-log.txt
What you're doing wrong is using using double-quotes around the filter
expression. The filter expression includes double-quotes, so the first
double-quote within the expression is interpreted by the shell as an
*ending* quote.
tethereal -r soaplogs_00001_2007011808084032.cap -R '( eq
"") || (xml.tag == "<rejectlogin
xsi:type=\"xsd:int\">")' -T text -V > soap-xml-log.txt