Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Labelling unique IP:Port with a name?

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 18:57:18 GMT

As I'm using Wireshark to look at SIP B2BUA flows, I'm dealing with tracking messages between about 5 machines.   In some environments, each of the parties are on seperate machines. In other environments, some of the simulators are on one machine.

A) Is there a way that I could give each unique IP:Port a user defined name (for each Source and Destination), so that I could track each party easier in the main packet listing screen?

B) In the VOIP Calls menu, is there a way to have the conversation graph seperated by unique IP:Port, as opposed to just IP address ?  (IE, right now, other than it showing me the port numbers, the graph looks like it's a dialog between two parties and not five).