Title: Using these mailing lists
Sorry for my ignorance, but how do I use these mailing lists effectively? I can at least send messages (since this is here 8^)).
1. How do I properly reply to my message or another’s in my Inbox?
a. If I use “Reply”, will the reply be added as the reply to the message or will it start it’s own thread?
b. If it replies properly, would it still add the reply to the original message if I changed the Subject line?
2. When I navigate to the list (e.g. http://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-users/200610) and view a message (e.g. msg12345.html) how do I reply to it?
a. There are no “Reply” links in the html and the FAQs do not talk about how to reply.
3. How do I search the mailing list?
a. There are no “Search” links and the FAQs do not talk about searching the mailing list.
b. I used Google once and it happened to have a link into the mailing list. Is this the preferred method?
Thank you,
Jay Turner