Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Fragmented packets

From: "ronnie sahlberg" <ronniesahlberg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 11:24:34 +1000
Note that IP Fragment Reassembly will only work if you have captured the full packets.

If you have only captured partial packets (specifying snaplength less than the local MTU) it will not be possible to reassemble the fragments.

On 10/3/06, Martin Regner <martin.regner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dennis Tate wrote:
<The only problem is that some of the packets, due to the size of the message are fragmented, which the SNMP decoder cannot process.
Do you have "Reassemble fragmented IP datagrams" checkbox checked in Edit/Preferences.../Protocols/IP ?
Best regards,

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