Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Performance again

From: "Tomas Muehlhoff" <tmuehlhoff@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 13:05:04 +0200
I'm wondering how to get the best performance out of Wireshark.

I'm working in a Lab with 2 monitoring machines. On is running on Linux one on WinXP. Both are connected to monitoring ports on switches carrying huge amounts of traffic.

The machines can be accessd remotely, by VNC, NX or MS-RDC.

I face several problems:

-> VNC is badly slow. RDC is fast but not available for Linux. X11 forwarding is even slower.

-> The timestamp on the Windows-machine is 8...13s in advance, how can that be and how to change that ?

My thoughts are:

-> Is a build compiled against GTK1 in general faster (linux/win) ?

-> Is the simluated environment which Wireshark is running in Windows slowing down things.?

-> whiche remote solution is to be preferred in terms or performance ?

-> which NIC (100MBit/s) to use ? Are there big performance differences ?

-> should I go for 1000Mbit/s ?


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