Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Sniffing ASP web traffic

Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 17:49:26 +0200
You should use the server logs for that, unless you are experiencing a
large packet loss you will be able to aproximate the bandwidth usage
of every virtual host. The logs should contain the timestamp, the
request, and the bytes served.

Statistics->HTTP->LoadDistriution gives you the number of HTTP
requests but it does not give you the packet/byte count.


On 7/24/06, John Turpin <jturpin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We run .asp apps on IIS web servers, with different sites on the same IP
address.  We would like to be able to tell how much bandwidth each site
uses.  (we have about 300) Since the pages are .aspx and a dynamically
compiled and share the same IP address it is hard to split them up.

I have the following setup:

(firewall) -----(TAP)---------(Switch)-----------(IIS

How can I tell from the TCP/IP packets (capture) what files and pages come
from what site and how large they are to determine bandwith usage from 5
minute samples of data in wireshark?

John Turpin
Senior Network Administrator
7201 W. 129th St.
Overland Park, KS. 66213
913.888.0772 Toll Free 1.800.734.3853

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