Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] 6+ Sec Delay Opening Files on local drive when another PC not

From: "John Lewis" <datapro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 19:26:00 +0100

Wireshark name Query



DIMENSION4100<00>: type NB, class IN

Name: DIMENSION4100<00> (Workstation/Redirector)



Hi :


My name is John Lewis and I recently started experiencing a problem which is driving me mad.


A couple of months ago I bought a new Dell Dimension 9150 running XP-Pro, I gave my old Dimension 4100 (running Windows 2000), to my wife.  The machines are wired together using a Netgear DG834PM Wireless ADSL Router/Switch.  I also have a notebook running XP-Pro connected wirelessly.


Most of the time, it is only the Dimension 9150 that is switched on.  In the last couple of weeks I noticed that when I right click with the mouse on any file (even very tiny text files) stored on my local C: drive it takes about 6 secs to display the pop-up context menu to open/copy etc.  The same delay is observed when double clicking a text file.  If I disable the network or alternatively if I switch on the other Dell there is no observable delay.


I searched the google newsgroups and found other users experiencing this problem.  One person reported that after installing an ethereal packet monitor he found that his XP-Home PC kept looking for another PC that had not been on the network for several days.


After reading this I googled for a ethereal packet switch utility and came upon Wireshark. 


This confirmed what the other user reported and my PC is also sending a Packet to NBNS Name query NB Dimension4100<20> or <00>


Please can anyone help me to restore the performance without me having to resort to disabling the network or running the second PC all of the time.  Even though my Notebook PC is not on this does not impact the performance.


I would very much appreciate your help.


Thanks & regards

