or possibly a code review(of the website)?
checked sucuri sitecheck :
We detected anomaly in HTML code placement. Typical anomalies are placement of scripts and iframes outside of the <html>..</html>
block, which means that it was don't by someone who is not familiar
with the web page generation process of this particular site (massive
automated infection) or simply doesn't have access to the code that
generates webpages (for example, server-level infections that append
malware to every server response). This is a strong signal that a
stranger tried to modify web pages.
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1
Site Issue Detected
Anomaly behavior detected (possible malware): warning.html_anomaly?1