Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] SocketCAN Support is broken in latest Wireshark-v4.3.0rc0-14

From: Oliver Hartkopp <socketcan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 13:04:45 +0100

On 12.02.24 10:34, Guy Harris wrote:
On Feb 12, 2024, at 1:21 AM, Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

How many processors - as in "number of CPUs", not "number of instruction set architectures" - capturing CANbus traffic and producing SocketCAN headers are big-endian, and how many are little-endian?

To be more specific, how many processors - as in "number of CPUs", not "number of instruction set architectures" - capturing *CAN XL* traffic and producing SocketCAN headers are big-endian, and how many are little-endian?

I assume only ARM(64), X64 and Risc-V architectures will get in contact with CAN XL. And all these archs are little-endian.

I only had the data structure example in big-endian to increase the readability.

The currently discussed struct canxl_frame is here:


struct canxl_frame {
#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN)
        __u16 prio;   /* 11 bit priority for arbitration */
        __u8  vcid;   /* virtual CAN network identifier */
        __u8  __res0; /* reserved / padding must be set to zero */
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
        __u8  __res0; /* reserved / padding must be set to zero */
        __u8  vcid;   /* virtual CAN network identifier */
        __u16 prio;   /* 11 bit priority for arbitration */
#error "Unknown endianness"
        __u8  flags;  /* additional flags for CAN XL */
        __u8  sdt;    /* SDU (service data unit) type */
        __u16 len;    /* frame payload length in byte */
        __u32 af;     /* acceptance field */
        __u8  data[CANXL_MAX_DLEN];

To maintain the filtering of the 11 bit CAN identifier (inside the uint32 canid_t in Classical CAN and CAN FD) the 11 bit PRIO value has to share the position of these 11 bits.

Therefore the somewhat ugly endian handling is to be introduced.

Or would you suggest to generally add the vcid content into the uint32 space by shifting and masking, like in this previous suggested patch?


Best regards,