Really important work there... nothing gets me out of bed like
suppressing someone else's future potential needs using crappy tools
and methodologies.
This isn't a criticism of Debian. Use the Debian system if you like
it, don't use it if you don't.
It is a criticism of Debian in Wireshark, and of the Debian
maintainer syncing changes upstream. A real trailblazing moment that
On 21/11/23 14:47, Roland Knall wrote:
As mentioned on the ticket - just putting it here
as well - I am against dropping packaging/debian. But I am for
having it underneath packaging, and not in the main directory,
which is what the original change was about. I respect Joao's
opinion as well as yours Balint. In this case here I think, we
can provide assistance for future implementors and as a starting
point, by keeping the directory underneath packaging/debian.
just my thoughts
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