Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Facing issue in wireshark

From: chuck c <bubbasnmp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2022 10:50:26 -0500
"Beware of multiple Wiresharks"

Are you running from your build directory?

There is an environment variable to add extra text to the version info that can be set.

> rem Append a custom string to the package version. Optional.
> set WIRESHARK_VERSION_EXTRA=-YourExtraVersionInfo

On Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 10:32 AM hey <aastha000sharma@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I am using wireshark for the first time for dissecting ecpri packets but I am facing an issue that whatever change I do in my wirehsark/epan/dissectors/packet-ecpri.c , it is not shown even after compilation. I thought I was doing the compilation in a wrong way so I tried to do it with both cmake and ninja but nothing changed when I run the data in my wireshark. Below is the attached screenshot, where I tried to see the change. The yellow marked data is what I tried to change through packet-ecpri.c file. For example, I changed the IQ DATA to aaz data but there is no change when I run it in wireshark.

I did ran command “make” multiple times.

It’s been a week that I am trying to resolve this. Please help me with this.


Looking forward to hear from you soon.





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