Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] wireshark_dialog.cpp: how to know if a tap is finished?

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From: Jirka Novak <j.novak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 09:31:37 +0200

  I analyzed issue Chuck touched and I'm surprised with my findings...

RTP Stream Analysis dialog code uses packet callback and draw callback for analyzing data. The dialog uses retapPackets() on captured data (file is opened, no running capture) which is blocking call. It finish when all packets in the file are processed.
  Observation for multiple runs of retapPackets() are:
a) Packet callback receives all packets every time so list in the dialog is correct for every run
b) Draw callback is called regularly, but time to time is not called at 
the end of the retap. So time to time dialog do not update statistics 
for some part of data.
  It is weird to me as tap API works fine for years.

Is my observation about b) correct and intended in this case? Is my inkling correct about missing draw() call or should I review dialog code if missing statistics update is not caused by something else?
					Best regards,
