Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Unable to manually create a MR

From: chuck c <bubbasnmp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 09:43:22 -0600
I also follow the steps Uli does, merging from the branch in my fork. Maybe time to update the Wiki?

(Should this be https://gitlab.com/USERNAME/wireshark/merge_requests ??? See above)
You should see a "New merge request" button for your branch. Press it."  

On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 3:55 AM Uli Heilmeier <zeugs@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Dario

> Hi list,
> my regular workflow is to push on a branch on my fork, then go to the main merge requests page, where I am proposed for
> creating a new merge request. This works as expected.
> However if I click on "new merge request" I land on a page where the source and destination branch can be selected. The
> weird thing is that I expected to be able to select a branch from my fork, while I can only choose the main repo. Is
> something wrong happening on gitlab.com <http://gitlab.com> or is it happening to my memory?

I have the same behavior. I'm not able to switch to my repo when using the "New merge request" button on

My workflow: Going to the branches of my repo (https://gitlab.com/<USER>/wireshark/-/branches) and use the "Merge
request" button of the branch I want to merge. After clicking "Change branches" I can select the wireshark/wireshark
master repo and branch as target.


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