based on notice of Jörg Mayer (thank you), I tried to generate
epan/dissectors/packet-skinny.c from epan/dissectors/packet-skinny.c.in.
The command line should be:
cog.py -D xmlfile=tools/SkinnyProtocolOptimized.xml -d -c -o
epan/dissectors/packet-skinny.c epan/dissectors/packet-skinny.c.in
but it fails with error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "epan/dissectors/packet-skinny.c.in", line 109, in <module>
skinny = xml2skinny.xml2obj(xmlfile)
line 974, in xml2obj
return builder.root._attrs.values()[0]
TypeError: 'dict_values' object is not subscriptable
It calls tools/parse_xml2skinny_dissector.py internally. My first
worry was that this python script is not designated for python3, but it
is probably not the case.
I briefly reviewed parse_xml2skinny_dissector.py and I found no error
except it reads tools/SkinnyProtocolOptimized.xml with no syntax error,
but output is empty so line
return builder.root._attrs.values()[0]
fails because there is no index 0.
I'm using Linux/Fedora. Can someone check whether the script works on
different environment?
BTW it looks that packet-skinny.c was not made from packet-skinny.c.in
for long time as they e.g. use different methods for memory allocation
(pinfo->pool vs. wmem_packet_scope()).
Best regards,