On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 7:56 AM Richard Sharpe
<realrichardsharpe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> In one project I have a bunch of custom dissectors in a 3.5.0 build.
> They are all defined in epan/dissectors/CMakeListsCustom.txt.
> When I run cmake it tells me it found the custom stuff.
> Then when I run make it builds them (it logs each custom dissector being build.)
> However, when I run make rpm-package the custom dissectors are not
> built and there are not .o files in the build directory for the custom
> dissectors.
> Where should I look to figure out what is going wrong?
OK, a moment's peripatetic thought informed me of the problem.
Since I am not adding the files I generated to git and the packaging
process is using git to extract the files for building, they didn't
make it into the build.
Richard Sharpe