On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 3:07 AM Aidan MacDonald via Wireshark-dev
<wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have two questions. First, is it fine to open a merge request early on and keep updating it as I add functionality? Or is it preferred to wait until it's more complete?
If you have some major questions, then in my opinion it is best to
open it as early as possible - just make sure to mark it as draft.
> Second, the hooks provided by the generic USB dissector seemingly aren't a good fit. Basically, it seems to use only the interface class to decide what sub-dissector to call, but UASP uses the mass storage class like the existing Bulk-Only transport dissector. So that dissector is essentially sitting in the way and preventing me from hooking in UASP. (Or at least I think so. Currently I'm just commenting it out the conflicting hooks during testing.)
> I need to look at the interface protocol to determine if the traffic is UASP or not. I think the simplest way to do this is adding a shim dissector for mass storage class which invokes either the BOT or UASP dissector depending on the interface protocol (if known). Does that sound like a good approach?
Currently mass storage class dissector assumes Bulk-Only Transport. It
should however check the interfaceProtocol value in usb_conv_info_t
data and perform the dissection based on this. So the "shim dissector"
you mention, should really be part of the existing mass storage