The ultimate goal is an automotive dissector, which takes abstract
network descriptions for automotive buses and dissects the messages on
the bus accordingly. But as every bus has a different set of message
definitions, I somehow need to find out on which bus (physical
interface) I receive the traffic in order to perform dissection
according to the message definitions for this bus. Of course the user
could just change the network description in the plugins preferences
every time he switches the interfaces, but I thought maybe there's a
smoother solution.
On 07.06.21 02:24, Guy Harris wrote:
On Jun 6, 2021, at 5:13 PM, Jan Mall <jan.mall@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm currently developing a plugin/dissector (C API), which should have a different dissection behavior depending on the interface Wireshark is currently listening on.
What is the *ultimate* goal of this?
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