Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] What mean "Error: Found prohibited APIs in ..." error during bui

From: Jirka Novak <j.novak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 08:57:55 +0100

  I commited patch and pipeline failed because:

FAILED: ui/qt/CMakeFiles/checkAPI_ui-qt
Error: Found prohibited APIs in utils/rtp_audio_silence_generator.cpp: open
Error: Found prohibited APIs in utils/rtp_audio_routing_filter.cpp: open

  but message gives me no hint what to change. Compilation and code
works fine, just this check failed.

See https://gitlab.com/j.novak/wireshark/-/jobs/1016432967

  What to check or change?

					Best regards,

						Jirka Novak