Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] New kafka dissector

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 13:16:20 +0200

Few words on why this is a non-starter, but also a way forward.

The Wireshark code base is written in C (and C++ for the Qt based GUI) to maintain cross platform compatibility. Code written in other languages are therefore a lot of work to integrate into the already complex build system, document for all supported platforms and support across all platforms. Unless there’s a pressing need for it that is unlikely to happen for a single dissector for a, may I say, non mainstream protocol.
Furthermore the code on GitHub is a read-only mirror, which states at the top that we don’t take pull requests or anything from there. (Personally, I wouldn’t mind it to be dropped completely from GitHub, but that’s just me). 
For more information on the development process there is the Wireshark website, the Developer’s Guide, Wiki and of course this mailing list.

Now on the way forward. There’s some more activity going on on the Kafka dissector, as is evident from this bug: https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16540
Probably it is a good thing to coordinate efforts with the people on that bug to share the work.


On 7 Jun 2020, at 02:18, Vadim Chekan <kot.begemot@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,

I've wrote kafka dissector which is much more complete than the existing one in wireshark. The issue is, I did it in Rust instead of C. Main reason was to use Rust's macrs to auto-generate 40+ kafka commands, many of which have 5+ versions.

What can I do to make my dissector part of official wireshark distribution? Should I integrate with Travis build and send pull request?
