Does your custom build of Wireshark include Lua? What does the Help | About Wireshark | Wireshark info show?
I am using a Custom protocol dissector (Lua script) for the GeoNetworking header. I have build wireshark 3.2.1 from source on Ubuntu 18.04 and placed the Lua script in the Global plugins directory. However, the script fails when to find the Geonetworking protocol when I invoke it in the script:
Dissector.get("gnw"):call(newTvb, pkt, root)
So I tried another approach:
gnw_dissector = DissectorTable.get("ethertype"):get_dissector(35143)
The protocol gnw (GeoNetworking) corresponds to an EtherType of 35143 in my Wireshark protocols configuration. However, this also fails to find the "gnw" protocol.
How can I get wireshark to detect the GeoNetworking protocol from my custom Lua script?
Thanks in advance.