Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Table 1. Typographic Conventions

From: João Valverde <joao.valverde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 17:59:56 +0000
Assuming you are serious, talking like a normal person would go a long way towards getting your point across.

FYI, the documentation source code is here:


It is a community effort. I doubt the monospace vs bold monospace typographical convention debacle has anyone worried sick.

On 25/01/20 10:33, Wayne Baby wrote:
To who(m) it may concern,

Please clarify the difference between your monospace and bold monospace typographical conventions as displayed by your examples (or completely change this convention).

There shouldn't be a need for me to elaborate on this observation.  However, I will.

There is no clear distinction between  monospace and bold monospace typographical conventions as displayed by your examples.

Do I have to point out how important this distinction needs to be?  I will.

It is the foundation for all the conventions of your whole document.

I'm sorry if I sound like a smart arse but it just seemed like such a simple requirement that contradicted the incredible intelligence underpinning all your efforts to educate/instruct users of Wireshark.

Please make the distinction obvious,


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