Well, it felt so good to be able to build under Windows I did it twice :-)
It seems like there could be some more tips in the notes for people
who rarely build under Windows, like:
1. Just because you have Visual Studio installed does not mean you
have the C++ support installed.
The Developers Guide states:
Check the checkbox for “Desktop development with C++” and then uncheck all the optional components other than the “VC++ 2019” item with the “latest … tools”, the “Windows 10 SDK”, and the “Visual C++ tools for CMake” (unless you want to use them for purposes other than Wireshark).
Was this insufficient, I admit it took me several attempts to parse it?
I shall try to find time to create a deployment xml file for VS 2019 so it can be automated and remove the potential for confusion. The other option is to use the chocolatey installers for VS 2019 and the native desktop workload, named "visualstudio2019community" and visualstudio2019-workload-nativedesktop" respectively.
2. If msbuild fails with warnings about configurations, perhaps you
need /p:Configuration=<some-different-opts>
Others don't seem to have these issues, this seems to be tied to your missing "Platform" env. var.
Graham Bloice
Software Developer
Trihedral UK Limited