Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Building on Windows ...

From: Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 16:47:41 +0000

On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 at 16:25, Richard Sharpe <realrichardsharpe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 8:20 AM Pascal Quantin <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Le mer. 13 nov. 2019 à 17:14, Richard Sharpe <realrichardsharpe@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
>> Seems there is one more stumbling block:
>> Build started 11/13/2019 8:09:31 AM.
>>      1>Project "C:\Development\wsbuild64\Wireshark.sln" on node 1
>> (default targets).
>>      1>C:\Development\wsbuild64\Wireshark.sln.metaproj : error
>> MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "RelWithDebInfo|win64"
>> is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the
>> Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln
>> /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those
>> properties blank to use the default solution configuration.
>> [C:\Development\wsbuild64\Wireshark.sln]
>>      1>Done Building Project "C:\Development\wsbuild64\Wireshark.sln"
>> (default targets) -- FAILED.
> assuming that you now have a properly defined environment and that you do not have any remnants from previous failed attempts in your build directory (you should remove if you have doubts), following the steps here should work fine: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChSetupWin32.html#ChWin32Generate
> At least it does for me and others as far as I can tell.

After a quick inspection of the sln file, the following seems to work:

MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /m /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="x64"

This is likely to be associated with your earlier issues with the env. var. "Platform". 

Graham Bloice