Few notes:
- instead of git push origin HEAD:feature-number-1 -f (--force) it's better to use --force-with-lease that avoids forcing if the remote branch changed in the meantime (e.g. it prevents losing someone else's commits)
- gitlab issues are OK, but bugzilla is much more elaborate (for example allows custom fields and most of all, allows custom states -- gitlab flow and issue states is fixed! custom states have to be simulated using tags). I am not that familiar with wireshark bugzilla, but I suggest that someone that is familiar goes through typical workflows, and checks that all needed information can be stored in gitlab issues.
- I like that wiki is in Markdown or asciidoc format, so that it can be quite easily published to html/pdf
- I don't know gerrit much, but I like gitlab/github's idea of merge requests, in that you can review several related (atomic?) commits at once, and squash them if needed afterwards. It may help separate individual changes (to ease the review) while still keeping them in one bunch.