Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Glitches in UI when using recent buildbot development versio

From: Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 21:50:28 +0200
Could you post your Qt version? You will find it in the about dialog. 

Am 29.06.2019 um 17:44 schrieb Ivan Nardi <nardi.ivan@xxxxxxxxx>:


On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 at 18:12, Jim Young <jim.young.ws@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The first glitch has to do with "Apply as filter".  With this glitch I had right-mouse selected the tcp.stream field and then selected the Apply as filter.  But instead an unexpected display filter was applied.  I thought I had mis-clicked on the packet details items so I tried again but had the same results.  I then expanded the frame tree and right-mouse clicked on frame.interface_id followed by Apply as filter but again the wrong filter was entered into the display filter field.  At this point I opted to shutdown and restart Wireshark since this particular instance of Wireshark had been running for perhaps day or two and I had captured and opened numerous trace files. 

I am randomly facing the same issue: when a field is selected, if I select "Apply/Prepare as filter" an unexpected filter (probably a previous one) is executed
Environment: ubuntu 18.04, today master (but I have been seeing this glitch from a couple of days)
Let me know if you need further information

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