Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Glitches in UI when using recent buildbot development versio

From: Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 14:19:34 +0200

I cannot confirm those glitches on macOS. Especially the second one seems very strange to me. At this point I think it would be best if you add a bug report. If you are running the most recent macOS (Mojave), you could also create a video very easily (cmd+shift+5 for the builtin screen recorder) and attach that to the bug.

Please CC me on the bug, as I am currently messing around with the context menus, and it might be caused by that. But I would more prominently suggest, that the used Qt version is buggy. Nethertheless, we have to investigate.


Am Sa., 29. Juni 2019 um 07:47 Uhr schrieb Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Jim, 

Any dark mode stuff going on?


On 28 Jun 2019, at 18:11, Jim Young <jim.young.ws@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I almost exclusively run development versions of Wireshark when doing my day to day troubleshooting tasks and I typically (but not always) do the analysis on a macOS system.

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