Hi list
In the current development process we're trying to enforce the contribution quality by providing git hooks that help the developer to push better changes.
Those hooks are provided in the 'tools' directory. According to the developer instructions they must be copied to .git/hooks to be used by git. They're a copy, then they're not updated with git while their "original" is. This can be improved under unix by creating a hard link. Unfortunately there is no way to fully automate this process, but I think there is room for improvement.
We could create a new directory under the tree called like 'git-hooks', and put all the git hooks we want under that. Then we change the developer instructions to use the command 'git config core.hooksPath git-hooks'. This approach would have many advantages:
1) it's the only way the wsdg tells to use
2) makes the hooks versioned
3) works on unix and on windows (although I haven't tried the hooks on windows)
What about this approach? Any drawbacks I can't see?