Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] failed assertion "save_desegment_offset == pinfo->desegment_

From: "Maynard, Chris" <Christopher.Maynard@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 18:32:36 +0000

This probably won’t resolve your problem (or maybe it will?), but why are you using le_uint64():tonumber()?


    p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.length, buffer(offset, 4), buffer(offset, 4):le_uint64():tonumber())

    offset = offset + 4

    p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.checksum, buffer(offset, 4), buffer(offset, 4):le_uint64():tonumber())


But instead of bothering with le_uint(), why not just use add_le() instead of add()?


    p2p_tree:add_le(neop2p.fields.magic, buffer(offset, 4))

    offset = offset + 4

    p2p_tree:add_le(neop2p.fields.cmd, buffer(offset, 12))

    offset = offset + 12

    p2p_tree:add_le(neop2p.fields.length, buffer(offset, 4))

    offset = offset + 4

    p2p_tree:add_le(neop2p.fields.checksum, buffer(offset, 4))

    offset = offset + 24


If that doesn’t help, maybe you could post a small capture file for testing purposes?

- Chris

Ref: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/lua_module_Tree.html



From: Wireshark-dev [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of ??
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 10:52 PM
To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Wireshark-dev] failed assertion "save_desegment_offset == pinfo->desegment_offset && save_desegment_len == pinfo->desegment_len"


Dear Experts,

    I am building my Lua plugin for Wireshark, but I got a failed assertion below:

    [Dissector bug, protocol TCP: /build/wireshark-rjGTDh/wireshark-2.6.3/epan/dissectors/packet-tcp.c:5591: failed assertion "save_desegment_offset == pinfo->desegment_offset && save_desegment_len == pinfo->desegment_len"]

    Our prorotocol is top on TCP and has a length code in. so I want to get enough bytes for my dissector.

At first, I use pinfo.desegment_len = missing_bytes and return nothing, but got the assertion.

Now, I am using dissect_tcp_pdus, still got the problem.

I attach my code below and look forward to your reply.

Thank you very much and sorry to bother you.

Here is my code:


         local neop2p = Proto("NEO", "Neo P2P Protocol")


        neop2p.fields.magic = ProtoField.uint32("neop2p.magic", "MAGIC", base.DEC, NET_TYPE)

        neop2p.fields.cmd = ProtoField.string("neop2p.cmd", "COMMAND", base.UNICODE)

        neop2p.fields.length = ProtoField.uint32("neop2p.length", "LENGTH", base.DEC)

        neop2p.fields.checksum = ProtoField.uint32("neop2p.checksum", "CHECKSUM", base.DEC)

        neop2p.fields.payload = ProtoField.string("neop2p.payload", "PAYLOAD", base.ASCII)


        local function neop2p_dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)

            local L = buffer:len()

            local magic = buffer(0, 4):le_uint()

            local cmd = buffer(4, 12):stringz()

            local length = buffer(16, 4):le_uint()


            local p2p_tree = tree:add(neop2p, buffer(0, L), "Neo P2P Protocol, "..NET_TYPE[magic])


            pinfo.cols.info:set("".. NET_TYPE[magic]..","..cmd)


            local offset = 0


            p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.magic, buffer(offset, 4), buffer(offset, 4):le_uint64():tonumber())

            offset = offset + 4

            p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.cmd, buffer(offset, 12), buffer(offset, 12):string())

            offset = offset + 12

            p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.length, buffer(offset, 4), buffer(offset, 4):le_uint64():tonumber())

            offset = offset + 4

            p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.checksum, buffer(offset, 4), buffer(offset, 4):le_uint64():tonumber())

            offset = offset + 4


            if length ~= 0 then

                local payload = buffer(offset, length)

                p2p_tree:add(neop2p.fields.payload, payload, tostring(payload))

                offset = offset + length


            -- if cmd == C_INV then

            --     return neop2p_inv_dissector(payload, pinfo, p2p_tree)

            -- end

            -- if cmd == C_ADDR then

            --     return neop2p_addr_dissector(payload, pinfo, p2p_tree)

            -- end

            -- if cmd == C_GET_DATA then

            --     return neop2p_getdata_dissector(payload, pinfo, p2p_tree)

            -- end

            -- if cmd == C_VERSION then

            --     return neop2p_ver_dissector(payload, pinfo, p2p_tree)

            -- end

            -- if cmd == C_GET_HEADERS then

            --     return neop2p_getheaders_dissector(payload, pinfo, p2p_tree)

            -- end

            return true



        local function get_neop2p_len(buffer)

            local len = buffer(16, 4):le_uint() + 24

            return len



        local neo = Proto("NEOPROTOCOL", "Neo Protocol")

        function neo.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)

            dissect_tcp_pdus(buffer, tree, 24, get_neop2p_len, neop2p_dissector)

            return true





        neo:register_heuristic("tcp", neo.dissector)


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