Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] A stranger on my machine?

From: "Thomas Rexroth" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018 21:14:14 +0200



I´ve been installing wireshark to detect wheteher someone is using my computer (hacking).


Could you please tell me, which functionality of wireshark I could use to find out that? I´ve been working several years as banker developing „electronic banking consultants“. So I´m a little bit familiar with expressions like OSI-model, protocols like IP, TCP etc.


Is wireshark the tool form e to solve my problem?


I´m afraid that someone hacked my machine cause when I shutdown windows the machine asks me „Are you sure? Anyone connected to your computer will be logged out (or similar)?“ Yes, it may be that this is normal message of windows. But my machine is sometimes very slow. Ok, you may say, this is a „common behavior of windows, too“ ;-)


This is not (yet) a real big problem. But I thought „You know the different layers of the OSI-model. Why don´t your try to find out, whether someone entered your machine“?


Can you support me?






Mit freundlichen Grüssen/Kind regards


Thomas Rexroth

Bank-/Diplomkaufmann, zert. SAP-Berater

t.rex consult

Nestorstraße 18 a

D-10709 Berlin

+49 30 892 64 77 (fon)

+49 172 322 4004 (mobile)




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