Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Push failed after amend (Change 27518)

From: Dario Lombardo <lomato@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 09:47:40 +0200
You're trying to push to refs/publish/master/dicom-heuristic and that is used when you're promoting a change from draft to published. Gerrit requires you to push to refs/for/master/dicom-hauristic for regular commits. You don't have to force anything on gerrit. This is allowed in pure git only. Gerrit will create a new changeset based on change's commit id every time you push again.

The workflow is:

[make changes]
git commit ... <== whatever git command you like
git push origin refs/for/master/dicom-heuristic <== if your origin points to main wireshark's
[make more changes]
git commit -a --amend --no-edit <== or any other git command you like, but beware: --amend is required because you have to keep the change-id
git push origin refs/for/master/dicom-heuristic <== no force of any kind required

AFAIK, you've used refs/publish/master/dicom-heuristic and you've moved your change from draft to published, then you tried to do it again and it failed. Basically gerrit's drafts are not that useful, IMHO, especially in a double-reviewer based system like wireshark's.

Hope it helps.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 9:29 AM <david_aggeler@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I still have to learn a lot. I’ve got a pending review, so I’ve updated my code, amended as I thought I needed to, and tried to push once more (as I did last time except the last push did not have the author populated).


However I get an error:



remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done

To ssh://code.wireshark.org:29418/wireshark

! [remote rejected]       HEAD -> refs/publish/master/dicom-heuristic (duplicate request)

error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://david-aggeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/wireshark'




Any advice?





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