Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] modify wireshark interface

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 08:24:04 +0200

“Show data as ISO8583”. Thereby you suggest that the data encoding has a specific codepage, currently not supported. From reading up on ISO8583 this is not the case. It defines message layouts (as dissected in the packet details pane) and uses ASCII / EBCDIC for applicable fields. The rest is binary encoded. So I wonder what codepage you had in mind. If you were thinking about message layouts, then no, this is not possible.


> On 10 May 2018, at 20:16, Juan Carlos Villarroel <kenshinve@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone, i want modify some things in the wireshark interface, I attach some images of what I would like to do, so you can tell me if it is possible. In a Follow > TCP.Stream, I would like to add an option (image 2) to show the data as ISO8583, as it is shown in ASCII or Hex Dump. Is this possible? I appreciate all the help you can give me and thank you very much !! regards