Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Embed SSL keylog file in pcap-ng

From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 5 May 2018 00:31:10 -0700
On May 4, 2018, at 2:32 PM, Ahmad Fatoum <ahmad@xxxxxx> wrote:

>> On 4May 2018, at 19:10, Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> That might *also* be useful, but the advantage of blocks that *aren't* tied to Wireshark is that *other* programs can use the data without having to track Wireshark.
> I see, but to support multiple protocols in a capture,

"Support multiple protocols in a capture" in what sense?

> some authority that allocates protocol identifiers would be desirable

If this is going to be in pcapng files, the authority would be the pcapng file format maintainers.

> and I think Wireshark protocol names are very suited for this (after renaming SSL to TLS :-).
> Maybe:
> - Standardize some prefs_register_key_preference API for key supplement in Wireshark that wraps existing UAT/preference use and provides key preferences in a uniform format
> - Agree on a specific format for those key preferences inside pcapng blocks

Once they're in pcapng blocks, unless the block is Wireshark-specific, the preferences would be managed entirely by the pcapng developers, not the Wireshark developers.

The point here is to have something *independent* of particular packet analyzers.