Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Question about building WSDG

From: Gerald Combs <gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 16:37:27 +0800
On 4/10/18 3:35 PM, Graham Bloice wrote:
> On 10 April 2018 at 01:30, Craig Jackson <cejackson51@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:cejackson51@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     I'm trying to submit some edits to the WSDG. I'm testing them against
>     the HTML version.
>     If I change on of the source asciidocs and execute:
>     C:\development\wsbuild64>/msbuild docbook\developer_guide_html.vcxproj/
>     Only developer-guide.xml gets rebuilt.
>     If I make another change to the same file and run:
>     C:\development\wsbuild64>/msbuild docbook\all_guides.vcxproj/
>     Then the following files get rebuilt:
>     developer-guide.xml
>     developer-guide.chm
>     developer-guide.pdf
>     user-guide.chm
>     It also takes quite a while longer.
>     I have to use /t:rebuild to get it to actually rebuild the chunked html
>     files, which are the ones I'm accustomed to looking at.
>     I'm still learning Cmake, msbuild, and vcxproj files, but this seems
>     like a bug. Would entering a bug be appropriate?
>     Craig Jackson
> I think some recent build system changes have moved part of the docbook
> generation to when an installer is built.  Try building with msbuild /m
> /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo nsis_package_prep.vcxproj.

It looks like we're missing a dependency on Windows. The developer_guide_html target *should* work, but if I run

> touch ..\docbook\wsdg_src\WSDG_chapter_env_intro.asciidoc
> msbuild docbook\developer_guide_html.vcxproj

I get the same result as Craig. Doing the Ninja equivalent on macOS works as expected.