Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] heur_dissector_add()

From: Peter Wu <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 17:28:45 +0100
Hi David,

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 11:50:07AM +0100, David Aggeler wrote:
> I'm intending to re-enable the heuristic part in the DICOM dissector. So I
> read though the updates readme and some other dissector, and to my surprise,
> the return value of the heuristic still is supposed to be boolean, where the
> static one returns int.
> Implementation wise, by now I kind of only see 'return
> tvb_captured_length(tvb)'. Wasn't this consumed bytes or needed bytes at
> some point? I used to return the same int also in heuristic part and never
> had an issue, but it looks wrong.

There are only two conventions for the integer return value, see the
comment for call_dissector_through_handle in epan/packet.c:

    /* This function will return
     * old style dissector :
     *   length of the payload or 1 of the payload is empty
     * new dissector :
     *   >0  this protocol was successfully dissected and this was this protocol.
     *   0   this packet did not match this protocol.
     * The only time this function will return 0 is if it is a new style dissector
     * and if the dissector rejected the packet.

When I tried to change this such that the returned value is actually
(https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-dev/201406/msg00221.html), I
found that it would be quite risky to use the return value to signal

> I did not understand that 8 years back, and I still don't. Does it mean a
> heuristic can't re-assemble?

Heuristics can request reassembly, but then they must not reject the
data (return true). But only do this when you are sure it is your
protocol. To ensure that your normal (not heuristics) dissector is
called in the future, you can use conversation_set_dissector.

> The other part that seems to have changed are the settings for this. Is it
> not desired anymore, that the use can select at dissector level, whether it
> shall do the heuristic math or not? 

Rather than having a preference at every dissector, it is now taken of
by in the core (see function "heur_dissector_add"). In the GUI, you can
enable or disable heuristics dissectors it in the Enabled Protocols
Kind regards,
Peter Wu