Hi Paul,
DLL_PUBLIC is not "new style" (it's just a macro definition), although
the inference is understandable.
The hello plugin example is specific to Linux and GCC, the idea being
that you can just apt install wireshark (or equivalent) and build only
your plugin against that.
As far as visibility goes you can just include ws_symbol_export.h and
use WS_DLL_PUBLIC as usual.
Hope that helps.
On 06-02-2018 00:12, Paul Offord wrote:
Sorry to bother you all with this but I can�t seem to figure this out.
I was running with a git master branch that I think was 2.5.� I had a
plugin that I could build and it worked OK.� At the weekend I did a git
pull for master and now I can�t get my plugin to build.� I reread the
plugin.README and dissector.README files and I think I�ve done
everything necessary to code the plugin in the new style.
I�ve tried copying some of the code from the hello.c example,
specifically I�ve added this to the top of my plugin:
#defineVERSION "0.0.0"
DLL_PUBLICconstgchar plugin_version[] = VERSION;
DLL_PUBLICconstgchar plugin_release[] = VERSION_RELEASE;
The VERSION line errors on:
* DLL_PUBLIC � expected a type specifier
* const � expected a �{�
I�ve got more issues, but I suspect they relate to DLL linkage (lots of
_/imp/_XXXX link errors).
The DLL_PUBLIC error seems pretty fundamental.� What am I doing wrong?
I�m using VS2015 on Windows 10.
Thanks and regards�Paul
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