Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Fields offsets & tree hierarchy questions

From: "Sultan, Hassan" <sultah@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 17:09:40 +0000
Nevermind the last question, that was me being dumb and fooled by the offset. They actually are under the http tree

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wireshark-dev [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
> Of Sultan, Hassan via Wireshark-dev
> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 10:03 AM
> To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Sultan, Hassan <sultah@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [Wireshark-dev] Fields offsets & tree hierarchy questions
> Hi everyone,
> Sorry to bother you with might be beginner questions but... well... I'm a beginner
> :)
> In my quest to understand how Wireshark's parsing engine works I've written a
> small wrapper that iterates through all parsed fields and displays them in the
> following format :
> [offset] [abbrev]([length]) : [value, which might be either my interpretation of
> the bytes on the wire according to type/encoding info for the types I currently
> support, or the ft_value of the field if it is present]
> And for some packets I am getting :
> 66 http(319) :
>         66 text(17) : 485454502F312E3120323030204F4B0D0A
>                 66 http.request.version(8) : HTTP/1.1
>                 75 http.response.code(3) : 200
>                 79 http.response.phrase(2) : OK
>         83 http.response.line(44) : Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type
>         127 http.response.line(32) : Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
>         159 http.content_encoding(24) : gzip
>         183 http.content_type(32) : application/json
>         215 http.date(37) : Thu, 13 Jul 2017 23:07:22 GMT
>         252 http.server(19) : openresty
>         271 http.response.line(23) : Vary: Accept-Encoding
>         294 http.response.line(16) : X-Cache-Hit: 0
>         310 http.response.line(29) : X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
>         339 http.content_length_header(20) : 83
>         359 http.connection(24) : keep-alive
>         383 text(2) : 0D0A
>         385 text(83) :
> 1F8B080000000000000305C1C10E80200800D07FE11C5B5349F2671A226E5D25
> 4EAD7FEFBD17C26D5DF7800647B72A3A0B4AE689599490B9EE483258E5A4222
> 9C1061EAAE60EED5961DF0FC6434ECF41000000
>         0 http.file_data(65) : {"user_id":"6be7acf4-a38f-3ac5-8870-
> 5ad8ca954a22","success":true}
> 0 json(65) :
>         0 json.object(65) :
> 0E1827559C340E664E8DFFAE0800450001C6999B4000EA06847F364D8BBFAC1F
> 02EB0050D864F3E601114594EC358018007DEF2500000101080A46DA716F0405
> 41
>                 1 json.member(48) :
> 1827559C340E664E8DFFAE0800450001C6999B4000EA06847F364D8BBFAC1F02
> EB0050D864F3E601114594EC35801800
>                         11 json.value.string(38) : 6be7acf4-a38f-3ac5-8870-5ad8ca954a22
>                         1 json.key(9) : user_id
>                 50 json.member(14) : EF2500000101080A46DA716F0405
>                         60 json.value.true(4) : 716F0405
>                         50 json.key(9) : success
> Which brings the following questions :
> 1) Am I right to assume there are absolutely no guarantee about the order of
> fields reported by proto_tree_children_foreach in regard to offset within the
> same tvb ? I'm looking at the json fields and the offsets of sub-fields are not
> ordered. I guess the order is the order in which the fields were added to the tree
> ?
> 2) When looking at http.file_data(65), the field's offset is 0, relative to that
> field's tvb which contains the decompressed data, is there any way to get the
> position relative to the 'main' tvb representing the whole packet ? I couldn't find
> one but maybe I'm missing something. http.file_data(65) represents
> decompressed data so technically not present in the main tvb, but I was
> wondering if there was a way to link it to the compressed data field it represents
> (the "text(83)" field)
> 3) I'm curious to know why the "text(83)" field and "json.object(65)" fields are
> not under the http tree, that's where I would have expected them to be
> Thanks for your help,
> Hassan
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