Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] linux package requirements for wireshark build

From: Alan Partis <alpartis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2017 14:31:29 -0400 (EDT)
For clarity, the problem I'm seeing, I think, is that the ./configure
script fails the CheckFunctionExists check for "inet_ntop" on the Fedora
24 system, but succeeds on my Fedora 25 system.  However, on both systems,
the arpa/inet.h header is there.

On Sat, 24 Jun 2017, Alan Partis wrote:

> I have built the wireshark binary in the past on a Fedora 20 system and
> more recently on a Fedora 25 system.  Not entirely w/o struggles to ensure
> the correct libraries/packages are present, but have still been successful
> in the long run.
> Today I'm trying it on a Fedora 24 system and I'm running into a
> compilation error complaining about conflicting types for 'inet_ntop'
> I have been trying to figure out what's different between my Fedora 24 and
> Fedora 25 machines, but in the mean time I'm curious if there is a list of
> required packages that need to be installed on a Linux system for
> wireshark development.
> Obviously I've been _at least_ fortunate to have had 2 systems (Fedora 20
> and 25) correctly configured, but it sure would be helpful if I knew _why_
> they were correct.
> _______________________________________________________
> Alan Partis
> thundernet development group