Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Compilation issue on Mac OS

From: ajay saxena <aileronajay@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 15:33:08 -0400
Below is the output from /usr/local/include

GeoIP.h QtQuickTemplates2 gdfonts.h pango-1.0

GeoIPCity.h QtQuickTest gdfontt.h pcre.h

Qt3DCore QtQuickWidgets gdfx.h pcre_scanner.h

Qt3DExtras QtScript gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pcre_stringpiece.h

Qt3DInput QtScriptTools gdpp.h pcrecpp.h

Qt3DLogic QtScxml geos pcrecpparg.h

Qt3DQuick QtSensors geos.h pcreposix.h

Qt3DQuickExtras QtSerialBus geos_c.h pg_config.h

Qt3DQuickInput QtSerialPort gio-unix-2.0 pg_config_ext.h

Qt3DQuickRender QtSql glib-2.0 pg_config_manual.h

Qt3DRender QtSvg gmp.h pg_config_os.h

QtAccessibilitySupport QtTest gmpxx.h pgtypes_date.h

QtBluetooth QtTextToSpeech gnutls pgtypes_error.h

QtCLucene QtThemeSupport gobject-introspection-1.0 pgtypes_interval.h

QtCglSupport QtUiTools gpg-error.h pgtypes_numeric.h

QtCharts QtWebChannel graphviz pgtypes_timestamp.h

QtClipboardSupport QtWebEngine gsettings-desktop-schemas pixman-1

QtConcurrent QtWebEngineCore gtk-3.0 png.h

QtCore QtWebEngineWidgets gtksourceview-3.0 pngconf.h

QtDBus QtWebSockets harfbuzz pnglibconf.h

QtDataVisualization QtWebView informix postgres_ext.h

QtDesigner QtWidgets internal pugixml-1.8

QtDesignerComponents QtXml isl pycairo

QtDeviceDiscoverySupport QtXmlPatterns jasper pygobject-3.0

QtEventDispatcherSupport ares.h jconfig.h python2.7

QtFbSupport ares_build.h jerror.h server

QtFontDatabaseSupport ares_dns.h jmorecfg.h sip.h

QtGamepad ares_rules.h jpeglib.h sql3types.h

QtGraphicsSupport ares_version.h lauxlib.h sqlca.h

QtGui atk-1.0 lcms2.h sqlda-compat.h

QtHelp c++ lcms2_plugin.h sqlda-native.h

QtLocation cairo libltdl sqlda.h

QtMacExtras dbus-1.0 libpng16 tiff.h

QtMultimedia ecpg_config.h libpq tiffconf.h

QtMultimediaQuick_p ecpg_informix.h libpq-events.h tiffio.h

QtMultimediaWidgets ecpgerrno.h libpq-fe.h tiffio.hxx

QtNetwork ecpglib.h libtasn1.h tiffvers.h

QtNetworkAuth ecpgtype.h ltdl.h unicase.h

QtNfc entities.h lua.h uniconv.h

QtOpenGL epoxy lua.hpp unictype.h

QtOpenGLExtensions fontconfig lua5.2 unigbrk.h

QtPacketProtocol freetype2 luaconf.h unilbrk.h

QtPlatformCompositorSupport gail-3.0 lualib.h uniname.h

QtPlatformHeaders gcrypt.h lzma uninorm.h

QtPositioning gd.h lzma.h unistdio.h

QtPrintSupport gd_color_map.h mpc.h unistr.h

QtPurchasing gd_errors.h mpf2mpfr.h unistring

QtQml gd_io.h mpfr.h unitypes.h

QtQmlDebug gdbm.h mysql uniwbrk.h

QtQmlDevTools gdcache.h nettle uniwidth.h

QtQuick gdfontg.h openjpeg-2.1 webp

QtQuickControls2 gdfontl.h openslide zmq.h

QtQuickParticles gdfontmb.h p11-kit-1 zmq_utils.h

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 3:23 PM, Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Apr 21, 2017, at 12:18 PM, ajay saxena <aileronajay@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The compile fails with the same message even after I rename the existing sym link and phyiscally copy the file to my usr/local/include folder.

OK, you can put the symlink back.

What does "ls /usr/local/include" print?
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