Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] git-review fails with an SSL error

From: Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 23:19:05 +0100

2017-01-17 23:15 GMT+01:00 Paul Offord <Paul.Offord@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I ran git-review -v and that caused a login dialogue box to appear.  I entered by Gerrit userid and the HTTPS password.  It got a bit further but now it’s complaining that I don’t have a Change-Id.  I thought this is what git-review does for me.

To get a Change-Id automatically inserted in your commit message, and benefit from the pre-commit hooks, simply copy tools/pre-commit and tools/commit-msg files in the .git/hooks folder of your Wireshark clone.



I think this has me beat.  If anyone wants to submit the fix for bug 12973 I’ll happily provide the details.


Thanks to Graham and Pascal for the help.


From: wireshark-dev-bounces@wireshark.org [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@wireshark.org] On Behalf Of Graham Bloice
Sent: 17 January 2017 18:47

To: Developer support list for Wireshark <wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] git-review fails with an SSL error




On 17 January 2017 at 18:44, Paul Offord <Paul.Offord@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Re the Gerrit check:


C:\Development\wireshark>"C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe" -p 29418 PaulOfford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/xxxxxx/.ssh/id_rsa':


  ****    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    ****


  Hi Paul Offord, you have successfully connected over SSH.


  Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.

  To clone a hosted Git repository, use:


  git clone ssh://PaulOfford@code.wireshark.org:29418/REPOSITORY_NAME.git


Connection to code.wireshark.org closed.


OK, looks good, now to see what the git-review -v gives. 



From: wireshark-dev-bounces@wireshark.org [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@wireshark.org] On Behalf Of Paul Offord
Sent: 17 January 2017 18:40

To: Developer support list for Wireshark <wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] git-review fails with an SSL error


Yep – it’s master.  I cloned master this morning and then created my own branch:


C:\Development\wireshark>git branch

* bug12973




From: wireshark-dev-bounces@wireshark.org [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@wireshark.org] On Behalf Of Graham Bloice
Sent: 17 January 2017 18:37
To: Developer support list for Wireshark <wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] git-review fails with an SSL error




On 17 January 2017 at 18:32, Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



On 17 January 2017 at 18:04, Paul Offord <Paul.Offord@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’m trying to get git-review working.  I think I’ve done everything necessary but this is what I get:


C:\Development\wireshark>git status

On branch bug12973

Changes not staged for commit:

  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)

  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


        modified:   ui/gtk/main_toolbar.c

        modified:   ui/qt/main_window.cpp


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")


C:\Development\wireshark>git commit -a

[bug12973 98ee4f256a] Fix Access Violation in plugin_if_mainwindow_get_ws_info(...)

2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


C:\Development\wireshark>git review

Problem running 'git remote update origin'

Fetching origin

fatal: unable to access 'https://code.wireshark.org/review/wireshark/': Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to code.wireshark.org:443

error: Could not fetch origin


I’m not sure why I’m not using ssh as I have set this up and the recommended test works fine.


I got to similar position a couple of years ago and never got it working.  I’m obviously doing something wrong as this is a completely fresh install of all involved packages.


I’m using:


  • git version 2.11.0.windows.3
  • git-review version 1.25.0
  • Python 3.6.0


I’ve spent about 6 hours on this so far – just to push a stupid two line patch.  Any advice gratefully accepted.


Thanks and regards…Paul




Could be several things, try adding a "-v" to git-review for more verbose output


Is it because you have checked out out a tag and not the master-2.2 branch?  What does "git branch" show?



I may have got confused here with your earlier request to get the 2.2.3 code.  Which branch are you attempting to apply the change to, normally it should be master?


Have you checked your git\ssh connection to Gerrit? see https://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/SubmittingPatches/GitForWindows, but note you'll need to supply the path to the git version of ssh, i.e. (from PowerShell)


  & "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe" -p 29418 yourgerritusername@code.wireshark.org


Pro-tip: On Windows use Powershell (although it's now available everywhere) and PoshGit (cinst -y poshgit in chocolatey) which adds some nice support for git to the shell.





Graham Bloice


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