Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] VoIP Calls dialog enhancements

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 15:44:18 +0200
Hi Erik,

Glad you liked Sharkfest Europe, we enjoyed it too.

As for your ideas, you should have a peek at the other diagrams being used in Wireshark to see how these handle timestamp related items. Usually these kept generic, so (design) could be reused). A checkbox would probably be the way to go here leaving max space for the ‘real data’.

In what dialog do you envision the call duration column?


> On 20 Oct 2016, at 19:40, Erik de Jong <erikdejong@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> After a very exciting Sharkfest Europe I've decided to participate a bit in the development of Wireshark!
> Some enhancements for the VoIP calls dialog would be:
> 1) Have the timestamps not only as a relative time from the start of capture but also as the time of day. I have added two columns for this, but I'm contemplating if it would not be better to have a checkbox that toggles the existing start and end time columns from relative to time of day timestamps. Any feedback would be appreciated as I couldn't find any UI design guidelines to help decide what's the better option here, as it is part of a Qt dialog I have used the QDateTime::fromTime_t function to format the timestamps. I couldn't quickly find the way this is done for the packet list, is there a preferred conversion for the nstime to a formatted timestamp?
> 2) I would also suggest a column containing the call duration.
> I would be more than happy to submit patches for these enhancements.
> Cheers,
> Erik