Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Enable extcap by default or not

From: Michal Labedzki <michal.labedzki@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2016 08:08:37 +0200

I vote for "Enable for default" and please remember that I am creator of one of them - androiddump. It provides interfaces like libpcap (aka normal Wireshark interfaces) and more (Logcat). So I want to have it out of box.  (cons: may generate a lot of interfaces... for 2 Android devices connected over USB it provide max 12 interfaces)

Disabled by default should be only possible if we can inform user that "I am Wireshark and I support X,Y,Z....". I propose create big button "Show more" (Manage Interfaces) on main welcome screen on interfaces list. I hope users will click there and see what Wireshark can.

Or maybe disable all interfaces by default and let user configure it on first startup? libpcap also provide a lot of interfaces. In this moment I have 12 interfaces from libpcap, 14 from androiddump, 1 random packet interfaces [Wireshark's extcap] and 5 custom extcap interfaces - I have no problem with number of interfaces. Moreover I daily use only 2 interfaces from androiddump (Bluetooth interfaces)

1. I want to Enable extcap by default.
2. I say "yes" for "Disabled by default" if users will be informed there are additional interfaces available.

On 9 September 2016 at 07:42, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello List

There is currently a discussion going on in https://code.wireshark.org/review/#/c/17498 in regard to enabling extcap features by default or not.

There are basically two sides to the argument:

Cons - extcap interfaces are advanced features, which will not be used by a majority of users. As more and more of those interfaces emerge, it clutters up the list. Therefore disabling them by default and enabling them when needed is ok. 

Pros - There are users out there, who use Wireshark solely together with extcap interfaces. Lots of those users are not very familiar with Wireshark in general. extcap was intended to bring capture device support to Wireshark where otherwise it would not be present or very complicated to do so. For those users to enable the support before using it seems like an unnecessary hassle.

I just wanted to get the meaning of the list, on how we should proceed here, and if three are other arguments for or against enabling extcap by default.

To clarify, I am a Pro guy as I fear 3rd party users will not understand this and this will lead to support cases which will generate the opinion "Wireshark is overly complicated, let's use something else".


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Pozdrawiam / Best regards
Michał Łabędzki, Software Engineer
Tieto Corporation

Product Development Services

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